An Ode to Cody: Brightest Star of the Fifth Dimension




It is with great sadness that we report that Cody Rhodes has requested his release from WWE.  While I am not as shocked as I thought I’d be, considering how poorly he has been booked forever now, aside from that amazing Wrestlemania match and the Dusty Tribute Ladder, I think this is what is best for an incredible talent from an incredibly talented bloodline of in ring performers.

Cody is survived by 1/2 of the Golden Truth, his brother Golddust, as well as his wife Eden Styles, ring announcer extraordinaire, although she may well be gone soon too.  Go back an watch some of Cody’s stuff on the Network, especially his Legacy stuff.  I’m excited to see where he ends up next, hopefully he and Damien Sandow both find the green grass on the other side.  Or at the very least, “What’s Rhodey Codes doing in the Impact Zone?”
